Free Cross Stitch Pattern: Iwak Mujahir

MAH008 Iwak Mujahir  - cross stitch fish design - click to view


Most people give something personal for their beloved ones. Hand made crafts, especially those you made yourself, are special as this kind of gift and by giving something dear to you, you can make special moments with people you love.

That was what behind this cross stitch design. We used this pattern to make birthday gift for our aunt last year. By sharing this, I hope you have the big smile our aunt displayed on her face when we gave the cross stitch to her.


Item CodeMAH 008
TitleIwak Mujahir (Mujaer Fish)
Size170 x 277 stitches (wide by high)*
Threads20 colors, DMC stranded cotton**
PriceUS$ 0.00 » GRATUIT, FREE !! ***
Pattern FormatPDF version 1.6 (best view with Foxit Reader)
Pattern Snapshot [click to enlarge view]cross stitch pattern MAH 008 plain pattern snapshot
cross stitch pattern MAH 008 color pattern snapshot
Download Links MAH008 color [642 Kb]

MAH008 BW [384 Kb]
* finished design depends on fabric used, see here to manually measure the fabric or use the cross stitch calculator on right sidebar of this page

** see here for threads conversion chart (DMC/Anchor)

*** pattern only

Hope you like the pattern. See you soon. Wassalaam.

Please notify us about broken links or other problems in getting the pattern. Thanks.
