Floral #4: Orange Morning (Free Cross Stitch Pattern)

Stitched design of #4: Orange Morning


I had just finished reading "Mistress of Spices" by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. This was her first book, but if you had read Sister of My Heart or Vine of Desire, you would find the same lyrical prose in this book. To be exactly, Divakaruni wrote a novel using language of poetry. This novel pictured the complexity of (Indian) immigrants' life in America, while in the same time took us to the deep of surrealism of Indian "spices". In crisis days now, you can buy the used book at www.amazon.com, start from 0.01 USD. It's crazy, and I thought nobody would buy at that price... who will believe quality of anything at that price?

Nah, now abut this free pattern.
This is the fourth design in our floral series. I named it Orange Morning, like turmeric's color, which in the novel was a spices of dawn. It's a shield against grief, as well as woman's protection from aging. Of course, it was the story...


Item CodeFLO 004
TitleFloral #4 (Orange Morning)
Size150 x 150 stitches (wide by high)*
Floss6 colors, DMC stranded cotton**
Price$ 0.00 » GRATUIT, FREE, GRATIS! ***
FormatPDF version 1.6 (use Foxit Reader for best viewing)
Download Links Plain Pattern [37 Kb]
* finished design depends on fabric used, see here to manually measure the fabric or use the cross stitch calculator

** see here for threads conversion chart (DMC/Anchor)

*** pattern only, if you want to buy kit or finished work please contact us

As always, I hoped you like our patterns. Insya allah, I would post the next floral patterns soon. Wassalaamu'allaykum.

Please notify us about broken links or other problems in getting the pattern. Thanks.
