Free Xstitch Pattern Masha'Allah #3

Alhamdulillah, here I can share another Islamic cross stitch pattern. It's the calligraphy of masha'Allah. Explanation from WikiPedia:
Mā šāʾ Allāh (ما شاء الله) is an Arabic phrase that expresses appreciation, joy, praise or thankfulness for an event or person that was just mentioned. Towards this, it is used as an expression of respect, while at the same time serving as a reminder that all accomplishments are so achieved by the will of Allah. It is generally said upon hearing good news. 
I hope this posting will bring manfaat for us all, and one day I'll find the joy from seeing pictures of  this pattern stitched and made as decoration in your lovely house.



Item Code: JXSCAL 051
Title: Masha'Allah #3
Size: 200 x 200 stitches (design area)
* approx. 36 x 36 cm finished design on Aida 14ct
* approximation for 11ct fabric included
* For other fabric used, see here to manually measure the size, or use the cross stitch calculator on right sidebar of this page
Threads: 1 colors of DMC Art 117
Price: AUD 0.00 » GRATUIT, FREE !!
* Pattern only. For now we provide kit for 14ct Aida (Black) with DMC floss
Contact us  for more info on kit price, shipping, and payment
Format: PDF version 1.6
* use Foxit Reader for best viewing
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Plain Chart 271 Kb NEW LINK 04/02/2021

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