Free Pattern: Allahu Akbar (Small)

Cross stitched Allahu Akbar (small)


This small and simple pattern was my niece's favorite. It used 4 colors of DMC threads, stiched in block. Very easy, children loved small and simple design like this. I loved this too, since I consider myself as a beginner. Well, I'm not really a beginner, but I had problems in differentiate many symbols in more complicated patterns.

They were for my sister Wein to stich. O, o.. yes, I can stitch patterns with many colors (like the Dome of the Rock, for example) but it took some time, days ... weeks.

Nah, if you had limited time to stitch, or you wanted to use piece of the fabric left from your previous project, you could try this pattern. As other patterns before, it's free for everyone.

I hoped you like our free patterns. See you soon. Wassalaamu'allaykum.


Item CodeCAL 023
TitleAllahu Akbar (Small)
Size90 X 90 (stitches, wide by high)*
Threads (DMC)**4 colors
Price$ 0.00 » GRATUIT, FREE, GRATIS!***
FormatPDF/version 1.6 (use Foxit Reader, light and free software)
Download Links Plain pattern [61.5 Kb]
* finished design depends on fabric used, see here to manually measure the fabric or use the cross stitch calculator

** see here for threads conversion chart (DMC/Anchor)

*** pattern only, if you want to buy kit or finished work please contact us

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