Dome of the Rock (Free Cross Stitch Patterns)

Kristik Dome of the Rock IKristik Dome of the Rock II (17 color of DMC)


Recently I posted these patterns as separate articles on Kristik Islami. The patterns were based on the same picture. They were different only in the number of colors I used. The first used 24 colors of DMC threads, and the second used 17 colors. The second pattern was less in details, but easier to stitched. My sister prefered the first version, while I was happy using the second one. Well, I was not good in seeing different small (tiny!) symbols on the pattern, so I obviously worked better with simplest pattern I could get. That's why I often used alphabet as symbol in my patterns. I could see the pattern better since alphabet was more familiar to me than other funny symbols usually provided in cross stitch softwares.

Back to the patterns, I made them as a reminder for anyone who care about Israel assault on Gaza. The beautiful heritage showed in these free cross stitch designs should be in memory of any muslim in the world: never forget the Gazans, never forget Palestine, keep fighting and praying for freedom and justice.

As always, I hoped you like our free patterns. May this posting brought us manfaat, not mudharat. Wassalaamu'allaykum.


Item CodeSCE 020SCE 021
TitleDome of the Rock IDome of the Rock II
Size350 X 460 (stitches, wide by high)*
Threads (DMC)**24 colors17 colors
Price$ 0.00 » GRATUIT, FREE, GRATIS!***
FormatPDF/version 1.6 (use Foxit Reader, light and free software)

Download Links 
Plain pattern [229 Kb]  Plain pattern [94 Kb]
* finished design depends on fabric used, see here to manually measure the fabric or use the cross stitch calculator

** see here for threads conversion chart (DMC/Anchor)

*** pattern only, if you want to buy kit or finished work please contact us

Please notify us about broken links or other problems in getting the pattern. Thanks.



  1. nice aunt,
    I tried to send email to your personal address, no success. Wanna ask about the craft project
    Would like to help. Send me detail

  2. Jazak Allahu Khayran for sharing and helping us to have an Islamic X-stich in our society, not just any kind of X-stch but it boost our personality as a muslim, like this dome of the rock "Masha'Allah". Hoping for more free Islamic pattern. May Allah bestow mercy and more rewards to those who contributed on this site. Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuh... Your Sister in Islam. RAH

  3. I am so delighted I found you today. I have had such a problem getting Islamic cross stitch. you have made my day.

    Love and blessings of Allah

    Sarah Zaghareet
