Floral #2 (Lamtoro Zeal)

Stitched design of Floral #2 (Lamtoro Zeal)


Lamtoro Gung (Leucaena leucocephala) or White popinac, is a small Mimosoid tropical tree native to Mexico.It is used for a variety of purposes, such as firewood, fiber and livestock feed. It has been considered for biomass production, as its reported yield of foliage corresponds to a dried mass of 2000-20000 kg/ha/year, and that of wood 30-40 m³/ha/year, with up to twice those amounts in favourable climates. It is also efficient in nitrogen fixation, at more than 500 kg/ha/year.

It was promoted as a "miracle tree" for its multiple uses. For example, not only for enriching the dirt with organic fertiliser, the leaves of lamtoro will help in curing diabetes melitus and menstrual-ache. There are a lot more medical benefits of Lamtoro leaves and stalks, but actually I name this pattern because of my neighbour. She use the leaves for feeding her goats. She is a high spirited woman, mother of 3, and she promotes lamtoro in a way you will believe that lamtoro will heal... goat's stomach problems [GRIN].


Item CodeFLO 002
TitleFloral #2 (Lamtoro Zeal)
Size150 x 150 stitches (wide by high)*
Floss8 colors, DMC stranded cotton**
Price$ 0.00 » GRATUIT, FREE, GRATIS! ***
FormatPDF version 1.6 (use Foxit Reader for best viewing)
Download Links Plain Pattern [31 Kb]
* finished design depends on fabric used, see here to manually measure the fabric or use the cross stitch calculator

** see here for threads conversion chart (DMC/Anchor)

*** pattern only, if you want to buy kit or finished work please contact us

That's all for now. I hope you like this free cross stitch pattern as much as I do. Wassalaamu'allaykum.

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