Speak up for Gaza (Free Cross-stitch Patterns)

Stitched design of Gaza #1


Firstly, I would like to apologize for the long gap since my last posting. There were some important activities I should involve myself with: Gaza needs our voices. Israel agression is not a muslim-world issue. Whatever beliefs you embrace, horrible assault of Israel on Gaza definitely is a crime against humanity. Other than that, my computer needs some repairs (again). I don't know about this computer hardware thing, but it had been at the service for 3 weeks now. Seems it will longer there since they need some spare-part (whatever it is). I just hope my warranty still valid for the "spare-part". This also an apologize in advance, in case I cannot use my sister laptop next time. Dwi, her name, is now writing her master thesis. Her laptop I use now certainly will be her 'beloved'.. he he he.

Back on Gaza issue. I had made this pattern as an appeal for you to speak up for Gaza. This pattern is free to download, with one condition: you have done something, speak up, took action for Gaza. I hope this is not too much asking. I know most of my visitors are deeply concern and care about the issue, and had taken any action they can do to protest. But, in case there are some who wants to know how they can act, well, you can join the activities of your nearest community, give donation, or sign petitions. Any action that can make bigger international pressure on the Israeli goverment (and the US') regarding Palestinian Gaza is most apreciated.


Item CodeGaza 001Gaza 002
TitleGaza #1Gaza #2
Picture Sourcewww.gazaresist.com, cartoon by latuff
Size (stitches, wide by high)*165 x 231110 x 154
Floss (DMC stranded cotton)**6 colors 6 colors
Price$ 0.00 » GRATUIT, FREE, GRATIS! ***
FormatPDF version 1.4 (use Foxit Reader for best viewing)
Download Links Color Pattern [449Kb] or
Plain Pattern [298Kb]
Color Pattern [206Kb] or
Plain Pattern [135Kb]

use this new updated link: gaza pattern 001
* finished design depends on fabric used, see here to manually measure the fabric or use the cross stitch calculator

** see here for threads conversion chart (DMC/Anchor)

*** pattern only

That's all for now, I apologize if I say something unproper above. May Allah SWT keep us in peace, and be with our brothers, sisters, and children who died in Gaza. Wassalaamu'allaykum.

Please notify us about broken links or other problems in getting the pattern. Thanks.



  1. harus ada sanksi tegas dari masyarakat dunia terhadap genosida bangsa palestina yang dilakukan isrel di siang bolong kemarin....

  2. betul, gus... ayo kita tetap aktif mengajak sebanyak mungkin orang untuk mau peduli dan memberi tekanan.

    @ blogmasterPG: I've visited your blog. seems fabulous and full of fire in the expressions. like it though, LOL
