Surah Al Ikhlas
Alhamdulillah, one more free chart is available here now. This one is Surah Al Ikhlas, designed to be sewn on 16ct Aida black. However, you can use your favorite fabric size (14ct, for instance) and color (maroon or dark green, perhaps? it will do just wonderful). Just remember, this is Surah from Al Qur'an Noor Kareem, please be careful handling it.
That's all for now, you can find other things on the detail section below, or just see more complete information in the pattern itself. I hope this posting will bring manfa'at to us. Please let us know if you find problem in downloading the pattern... and thank you for choosing our cross stitch chart.
See you again soon, wassalaamu'allaykum.
- Item Code: CAL 030
- Title: Surah Al Ikhlas (big)
- Size: 313 x 310 stitches (design area)
- * approx. 497 x 492 mm finished design on Aida 16ct
* approximation for 11ct, 14ct, and 18ct fabric included
* For other fabric used, see here to manually measure the size, or use the cross stitch calculator on right sidebar of this page - Threads: 21 colors of DMC Art 117 (conversion into Anchor Coats included)
- Price: AUD 0.00 » GRATUIT, FREE !!
- * Pattern only.
* If you wish to buy the kit from us, we provide kit for 14ct Aida with DMC floss (Price: US$ 46.00 + shipping cost or Rp. 415,000 + ongkir)
* Contact us for more info on 16ct/18ct/26ct kit price, shipping, and payment Format: PDF version 1.6
- * use Foxit Reader for best viewing
- Download Links:
- Plain Chart 673 Kb
- NEW UPDATED LINK 04/02/2021
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