Floral #1 (Purple Malaga)

Stitched design of Floral #1 (Purple Malaga)


Visiting Spain and admiring Islamic architechture in Granada, you would like the harbor in Malaga. It was a neighbouring province to Granada and Sevilla, and very well known for its beach, Picasso Museum, and old heritage (now it was a cathedral, you know what it was before Spanish Inquisition, 1478-1834. If you want to know more about this dark pages of history, you could consider "Islam in Andalus" by Ahmad Thomson and Muhammad Ata'ur-Rahim).

Some years ago, actuallly I visit Benidorm, Allicante. However, a souvenir seller showed me a postcard of Malaga and the palm trees in the picture were so beautiful that I could imagined the sky changging color during sunset. When I made this cross stitch pattern, that picture keep coming into my mind and I used similar colors for my work. Eventually, I named this pattern Purple malaga... hoping one day I would be able to visit the famous harbor there [ameen].


Item CodeFLO 001
TitleFloral #1 (Purple Malaga)
Size150 x 150 stitches (wide by high)*
Floss8 colors, DMC stranded cotton**
Price$ 0.00 » GRATUIT, FREE, GRATIS! ***
FormatPDF version 1.6 (use Foxit Reader for best viewing)
Download Links Plain Pattern [79 Kb]
* finished design depends on fabric used, see here to manually measure the fabric or use the cross stitch calculator

** see here for threads conversion chart (DMC/Anchor)

*** pattern only, if you want to buy kit or finished work please contact us

That's all for now. May Allah SWT keep us in peace, and guards every brother and sister in the world. Wassalaamu'allaykum.

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